Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wrapping things up

Well, today was our last day of work.  Tomorrow, we will go to church, take a tour of the village we're working in (Gramothe), and drive through the city of Port Au Prince.

It's been a fantastic week as a team.  One of our team members, Esdras, was able to function as a translator for the medical team.  He has many stories of patients leaving smiling, saying "God bless you."

Today, Bekah, spent a lot of time working with a pediatric nurse practitioner.  She got to work a lot with children and babies.  She said that she loved it!

Today was our last day in the computer lab.  It was amazing how everything came together.  If we had one day more, we would not have had hardly anything to do.  If we had one day less, we would have been frantic.  The timing was perfect.

One of our accomplishments was sustaining an internet connection via directional antenna from a source on another mountain about a mile away.  Today, we were able to sit around a table with all of the laptops as an internet cafe.

As the day came to a close today, we had all of the laptops in our custom built cabinet.  All Britney (second from the right in the photo) needs to do is plug in the internet cable into the router, power on the network storage device, and the lab is fired up.  It's all in the cabinet.  We did a trial run at the end of the day, and everything worked.  This, from a technology standpoint, was a big encouragement.  It works!!!

It has been expressed multiple times how excited the students are about the computer lab.  We installed lots of educational software as well as some just for fun.  You can solve complex math problems or build structures out of legos.  The research on the software was well worth the time.  We had a few students in the lab with us today using the computers.  One student was using a typing program, learning how to type, and the other student was driving around the universe using a program called Celestia.  They will pick things up so quickly!

As the work week comes to a close, we had a sweet time tonight, recapping the week's stories.  We celebrated how God used each of our gifts and abilities.  From carpentry to networking to medicine, we praise God for the work that He did, and we give Him the glory.

This picture (I couldn't resist posting one more photo of the banana costume...) sums up the week.

-- Jay and the Team

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