Bon swa!
We have arrived! Two flights and two time zone changes later we are safe and sound in Haiti.
Our trip started at O'Hare airport at 5:00 in the morning. Our group got through customs and security quickly and had plenty of time to make our morning flight. (Only Bryan and Merv got the extended screening). There was a very pleasant layover in Fort Lauderdale for lunch and then we boarded the plane for Haiti. American Airlines even gave us Toblerone! (Best in flight snack EVER)

At this point in the trip is when things started to get hectic. Upon arrival in Haiti our experience with customs was as Molly called it, "a learning experience". (I admire her positive view). Our team had to step out of line to get new forms after waiting, we had to rent carts to check our luggage, and then on our way out of the airport we were intercepted by people claiming to know our contact. They "helped" us with our luggage and were very forceful about helping. Once we reached the truck we found out they wanted money for their services. Willem, our contact in Haiti, cleared up the confusion and soon we were off driving through Port-Au-Prince.

We drove for an hour through the city and into the mountains. Half of our team was riding with the luggage in the back of a big pickup truck. The damage from the earthquake was apparent in the buildings and the roads we traveled on. Our route through the city went past two tent cities and many areas of poverty. As we drove up the mountain the air grew cooler and the poverty less intense. On top of the mountain we are able to see a beautiful view of the city below.

Now we are settled in at our guest house and resting for the big day tomorrow. Looking at all the projects we are seeking to accomplish this week it is clear that the team is excited but also not knowing exactly what tomorrow is going to look like. We have many unknown variables to work out with our construction on the hospital and building the computer lab.
With high spirits and much prayer there is much good to be done.
Bryan and the Haiti team
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